Guidance From Eckhart Tolle, Genpo Roshi And Others
Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us how to develop awareness by recognising that our true home is not in the past. Our true home is not in the future. Our true home is in the here and the now. Life is available only in the here and the now, and it is our only true home.
He teaches that mindfulness is the energy that helps us recognize the conditions of happiness that are already present in our lives. When you breathe in, and you are aware of your in-breath, you touch the miracle of being alive. That is why mindfulness is a source of happiness and joy and thus how to develop awareness.
Here is some expert advice on mindfulness practice and how to develop awareness
The entry point (to enlightenment) is the present moment.
The ego can only be transcended in the present moment, nowhere else.
Making it (enlightenment) a goal, the very search, prevents you from being it.
Use the intensity that drives you into the search in the future to drive you deeper into the present moment – use that intensity to embrace the present moment.
So no more spiritual seeking – intensity yes – but the intensity that drives you into the “now” – not the intensity that wants to actualise an imagined (future) state.
Find out where you are stuck…
Always ask: “What can I do with myself?”
When you experience fear – look again, because when you believe what you are thinking nothing else is visible.
When you feel stress, resistance or pain, you tend to see it in that moment as life persecuting or punishing you. The truth is that life is helping you to reach a higher level of consciousness. This cannot be reached without the pain that you are trying so hard to push away.
Accept what is in the moment including the pain. Accept that the pain is natural and necessary to the moment.
Stop blaming someone or something outside of you as the cause of the pain.
The pain ends when you accept the pain and drop the self that clings to it.
You are trying to free yourself from the problem without realising that you are the creator of the problem. If you can see the truth of this – it is done and you are free.
The problem will be resolved when you see that you are the problem (that you are one with the problem and not separate from the problem) and that you should stop trying to escape it.
As you accept it, let go and surrender, a new consciousness arises and the pain does not trouble you, as you drop the thinking about yourself and your life.
[Eckhart Tolle, Genpo Roshi, Guy Finley, Byron Katie, Robert Anthony]
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