The Energy Of Life

The Energy Of Life Is Within You - It's Not "Out There" It IS You.

4 Keys To Working With The Energy Of Life

The Energy Of Life. The Energy Of Life Is Within You - It's Not "Out There" It IS You. 4 Keys To Working With The Energy Of Life. Graphic of a human head radiating energy waves.

The energy of life is the source from which all form and substance is created.  We live in a universe of energy - literally and not just metaphorically.

The energy of life is also described as "the ground of all being", "emptiness",  "the tao" or "the way".

But what does this mean in our current situation?

We are living in a time of considerable post-Covid uncertainty. For many of us the fear and worry about financial loss has been as great, if not greater, than the fear of succumbing to Covid-19. At time of writing the world is living with the increasing impacts of the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Many of us are self-employed and small business people and have seen our livelihoods suspended and in worst case scenarios destroyed. Many of us who are employed worry about being downsized as the current lockdowns ease.

These are not groundless fears, they have substance and we are right to be concerned.

So, what to do?

What possible relevance is the energy of life? Can it help us and if so how?

Many of the mainstream religions and belief systems use words like trust, surrender, non-attachment and letting go.

This is all well and good when we don’t have to practice them in the crucible of hard experience...

The world of self-help and personal development encourages us to think positive and visualise a good outcome.

But that is a “big ask” as the money runs out.

So let's take stock and ask 3 critical questions:

    [1] How are you feeling, what is your dominant emotion right now?

    [2] Where is your certainty when there is no certainty?

    [3] Where are you grounded?

The Energy Of Life And Going With The Flow

The Energy Of Life And Going With The Flow

You may be familiar with the flow state, which is based on the Taoist practise of "wu wei" which is about "doing without doing", quite literally "going with the flow".

Living as we do in an energetic world, it's not too big a stretch to accept that how you feel most of the time - your dominant emotional state - has a significant bearing on your experience of life, especially over time.

So I would suggest that it is reasonable to assume that if we can master the art of managing that state then we can have it within our grasp to leverage our energetic state to work with the energy of life.

But here's the kicker:

    How you are feeling - your dominant energy state - is very largely determined by your grounding and this is the foundation of your certainty.

So where and how can you find that foundation for certainty?

I want to suggest to you that you already have that foundation within you.

You may not be aware of it, you may have had no prior contact with it, and so many people go through their whole lives in blind lack of awareness of it, but that does not mean that it is not there.

In Self Dialogue - Dealing With Your Many Selves we noted that when you conventionally refer to "myself" you are not referring to one singular entity but a very complex amalgam of many different aspects of your self  sometimes referred to as the internal family of selves - also known as "sub-personalities".

These selves, or sub-personalities, cover the full spectrum of human experience. This spectrum includes the lowest, darkest, selfish and negative [evil] selves right through to the other end of the spectrum of higher, positive, selfless, loving and transcendent [spiritual] selves.

    We contain within us the seeds of the unrealised potential of the demonic and the divine.

That these selves may not have been consciously recognized or identified with does not mean they do not exist, it just means that they remain unconscious to us.

You have a choice. You can continue as you are, and be largely ruled by your ego and your unconscious drives and motivations, or you can access and unleash this foundation for certainty.

How? Just ask.

It is as simple and complicated as that.

Simple because it requires a childlike approach - a beginners mind - and an open heart.

Complicated because even as you read these words your ego will likely do everything in its power to distract you and stop you doing that simple thing. Why? Because it fears losing control.

    Your higher, or transcendent, self is:

    • Your grounding and the foundation of your certainty.
    • Your portal, your point of connection to the energy of life.
    • The energy of life within you; it is not "out there",  it is a part of you, it is you.

So What Is Your Higher Self?

  • This is the big you, the transcendent you, the you that is often referred to as your higher consciousness or higher self.
  • This is the you that acts as your conscious mind's portal to the universe, everything conventionally thought of as outside of you.
  • This is the you that is connected to everything and everyone else.
  • This is the non-dualistic you that does not see distinction between "this and that" and experiences "everything" as unity.
  • This is the you and exists in the dimension of spirituality.
  • This is the you that is beyond your thinking mind.
  • This you can not be thought and can only be experienced.
  • This is the you that is beyond time and space.
  • This is the all powerful you.
  • In the Christian expression this is the God or Divine you.
  • In the Buddhist expression this is the Buddha mind, the enlightened mind or the "Big Mind".
  • This is the you upon which you expend so much time, effort and energy trying to find while you are stuck in seeking.
  • This is the you that is always here - now, in the present moment.

Connecting With The Energy Of Life

Connecting With The Energy Of Life

The fast track to aligning with the energy of life is achieved by shifting your focus away from your self and your present circumstances and onto your higher self.

It starts with the simple but powerful expression:

"I can't do this on my own, please help me?"

Don't get hung up on the 'God dilemma'. Don't put a label on it.

To paraphrase Aldous Huxley:

    The journey home to the energy of life does not consist in arriving at a new destination where a person gains what he did not have, or becomes what he is not.

    It consists in the dissipation of one’s own ignorance concerning one’s self and life, and the gradual growth of that understanding which begins the spiritual awakening.

    The finding of the energy of life is a coming to one’s self.

The 4 Keys To Working With The Energy Of Life

The 4 Keys To Working With The Energy Of Life

You are in intimate relationship with the energy of life

Because the energy of life is within you, it is an integral part of you, you are in intimate relationship with it - just as you are with every other aspect of the whole you.

This understanding and realisation is a game-changer.

You are not praying to an entity out there, a being up in the clouds, a distant god, you are connecting with and in deep and most intimate relationship with the energy of life - and it is within you it is you - it is who you really are.

The gateway to the energy of life is through your heart not your head

  • From here on, everything I say can only be experienced.
  • I am saying these things because I experience them.
  • You can only know it by doing it.
  • I am not asking you to believe me.
  • I am not asking you to have faith in what I say.
  • I am not asking you to believe in nor have faith in anything.
  • I am asking you to test this and see for yourself.
  • You test it by proceeding as if it were true and evaluating your own experiences as you use these four keys:

1. The Energy Of Life has your best interests at heart

If you trust it, it will never let you down. It will always watch your back and give you what you need. It may not be what you want, but it is always what you need.

2. The Energy Of Life is the ground of all being and its core is the highest energy of love.

The expression of this love is deeply and intensely personal to you and in ways that you may not yet be able to imagine.

3. The Energy of Life loves you and invites a relationship with you.

For many of us this is hard. We carry wounds from our past. Build your relationship in steps and stages, and allow trust to grow.

4. The Energy of Life responds to your energetic state.

The biggest, deepest and most amazing shifts will happen in your life as you continually align your energetic state with the Energy of Life.

    All that you seek is seeking you.

    The finding of the energy of life is a coming to one’s self.

    I AM with you.

    Come home!

    Only in being lived by the Tao can you truly be yourself.

    Tao Te Ching [22]

Recommended Further Reading [with extensive resources]:

Coram Deo - Living In Consciousness

Next Article: How To Deal With The Challenges Of Playing The Long Game

Return from "The Energy Of Life" to:  What Is Spirituality?

Or to: Walking The Talk

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