Self Improvement Resources

Exercising Balance and Discernment

Self Improvement Resources. Exercising Balance and Discernment. Picture of a board covered in post it notes.

The self improvement resources that are featured on this site are practical tools that can help you change your life.

Many of the articles on this site contain practical guidelines and resources for applying the material contained within those articles.

You can source these resources by scrolling through the site navigation tabs and tools in the left-hand column on this page, and you can use the site search tool which can be found on the "Site Map & Index" tab [in the left hand column].

Third party resources

This page is focused on third party blogs, book summaries, author recommendations, tools and programmes that I use, or have used,  and that I recommend to you.

Balance and discernment

As I am sure your are very aware, there is a lot of "overkill" and hype generated over self improvement resources, but approached with a degree of balance and discernment there are - in my direct personal experience - some very good, practical resources that really can make a difference to our lives, by helping us deal with a particular issue or aspect of our personal development and growth.

This site's commercial policy

This site is an informational site.

    I do not take commissions nor any form of personal benefit from any of the recommended resources featured on this page or anywhere else on this site.

Self Improvement Resources - Guidelines

There are a number of blogs, CDs and DVDs plus several inexpensive programmes that you can subscribe to either as a "one off" or in some cases as a low cost monthly subscription.

I should point out that none of these resources should replace professional guidance and support where necessary, they are offered here in good faith, and I cannot and will not make any extravagant claims that anything on this site is the "missing key" that is going to suddenly and dramatically change your life.

My general guidelines for including any blog, book, CD, DVD, programme or any other resource on this site as "self improvement resources" are as follows:

  • I have actually used most of these resources either in the form of the product or service shown or in a generic form, and over many years.
  • In many cases the authors or creators of the resources are known to me - not usually personally, but I have read and evaluated their work over a period of time.
  • Many of these resources offer a free service option in the form of newsletters and support material and all give good guarantees and have a full refund policy.
  • The materials are low-cost and do not require an expensive "upsell" to a more expensive product.
  • They are marketed and distributed by reputable online companies with an appropriate refund policy.
  • I have created a separate page for each third party programme that I have reviewed and this provides an overview together with an outline of my own experience and a recommendation.

Any questions or suggestions - please get in touch

Self Improvement Resources - Blogs

Try these blogs & sites to stimulate your thinking:

Science Based Answers & Insights

Evidence Based Life Advice

Book Notes and Summaries

Upgrade Yourself - Strategies Of Rigorous Self-Betterment Via Improved Thinking Skills

Bernardo Kastrup's work has been leading the modern renaissance of Metaphysical Idealism

In-Depth, Self-Development Guides

An Experiential Change In The Way We See Everyone And Everything

Thought Provoking Insights

Insights About How To Better Connect With Others

Self Improvement Resources - Miscellaneous

Self Improvement Resources - Third Party Programmes

Personal Development Tools

Meditation Programme + Relaxation Music

Personal Development + Spiritual Growth Programmes

Personality types and thinking styles

    What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow:

    Our life is the creation of our mind.


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  1. Drop The Story - Deal With Your Demons and Transform Your Experience

    Are you living your life from the stories you tell yourself? Learning how to drop the story and deal with that voice in your head can be a game changer. When you can do this you will have a powerful t…

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  2. Standing In The Gap Between No Longer And Not Yet

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  3. Preparing The Ground - For Things You Can Not See

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  4. Easing The Weight Of Expectation

    Don’t you often feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your back? Our start point is understanding that the ego has a very clear idea of how things ought to be, and its intention and ex…

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  5. Coram Deo - Living In Consciousness

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  6. The Power Of Patience - Why You Need The World's Toughest Quality

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  7. Demonizing The Other and Personal Acts Of Compassion

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  8. Why You Should Embrace Anomalies - The Incredible Value Of Disconfirming Evidence

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  9. Amazing Grace - The Majesty And The Mercy of Freedom From Your Pain

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  10. The Transformative Power Of Acceptance

    Experience The Power Of Acceptance. This website contains about one million words. You could read every single word and it wouldn't make any real difference to you. You might become better informed, b…

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