Managing Personal Change Is Hard

Here's How To Do It

Managing Personal Change - It's Difficult!
Here's How You Can Change. Picture of a tree with leaves on one side but not the the other.

Managing personal change is inherently tricky.

We usually make the flawed assumption that it is skills based, in other words that we can read about it, go to seminars, watch videos and be taught to change.

Whilst it is true that we can be taught, generally we won't change.

For background reading [free download]: "Managing Personal Change"

Contrary to what the multi-billion dollar self-help sector, and it's gurus, will tell you:

    Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to a better life, and there are few who find it.

    This site can help you become one of those few.

Managing Personal Change - Key Themes


[1] Immunity to change


We can't change because of what Professors Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey have referred to as: "Immunity to Change" or inner resistance.

So what is the source of our inner personal resistance that lies beneath and sabotages our best attempts at managing personal change?

Research undertaken by Kegan and Lahey has led them to define inner personal resistance to change as a "hidden commitment", with a hidden underlying root cause, and this "hidden (or unconscious) commitment" is in direct opposition and conflict with our stated commitment to change.

So what this means in practise is that our best intentions, for example a New Year resolution, to lose weight or stop smoking is sabotaged from the outset by another unconscious part of us that actually likes and wants to smoke and over eat.

Your failure to achieve a personal change goal isn’t the result of a lack of will-power, it’s your "emotional immune system" trying to protect you.

Here's and introduction and overview to your immunity to change.

[2] Your inner map of reality


You may find it helpful to understand why we think the way that we do.

A lot of of this is to do with our inner map of reality, which is how we see the world.

As we are all the product of our own ethnic, national, social and religious backgrounds we quite naturally have an inbuilt inner map that see life from the perspective of that background and that has a tremendous effect on our attempts at managing personal change.

This inner map applies a whole range of filters related to the profile and characteristics of our environmental background. We develop our own personal beliefs that are based on this inner map of reality, to navigate us through life and primarily to keep us safe. For most of us, most of the time, this is largely an unconscious process.

These inner beliefs are very strong and have a very strong emotional (or energy) element and it is this unconscious feeling, based on an inner belief, that is the root cause of our resistance to our best attempts at managing personal change. The inevitable outcome is that it is this unconscious belief and associated powerful feeling that causes us to not do things we commit to doing.

These inner beliefs also act as very strong filters and stop us seeing or hearing anything that conflicts with those beliefs.

Here is how your inner map of reality works.

[3] How we get stuck in the mud with all this


Part of the way our minds work is that we get very attached to and stuck with our thoughts and emotional states. In summary:

  • They arise automatically
  • They are repetitive
  • The repetition causes reinforcement – making us more attached and thus more stuck
  • We are largely if not totally unaware of this process
  • We mistake the state for who we are
  • We identify totally with these states – we are immersed in them – "I am angry" – "I am happy" etc
  • After the passing of a certain amount of time these states recede or pass and we are "normal" again
  • After the passing of a certain amount of more time these states arise again and the whole cyclical process repeats itself
  • Again and again and again…ad infinitum

This is the tragedy of the "natural" human condition and why we fail at managing personal change.

The start point to success in managing personal change is to understand that what matters is not the content of your thoughts but your relationship with your thoughts.

You Are Not Your Thoughts

[4] Resolving your resistance to change

Any attempt at managing personal change starts with a clear understanding of your unconscious resistance.

This is often referred to as the "knowing doing gap", or as Kegan puts it:

"... how to close the gap between our intentions, things we actually want to carry out, and what we are actually able to do".

How To Resolve Your Resistance To Change.

    If you can take charge of your thoughts and your responses, you CAN succeed at managing personal change as you choose how you think and respond instead of just running on automatic pilot.

    By taking charge, you can make huge changes in how you experience life and the kind of outcomes you get.

    The Law Of Response And Outcome - A New Approach To A New Life

How To Change The Way You Think


You can waste years of your life (as I have done) and spend a fortune in various forms of introspection, analysis and therapy digging and delving into how and why you think and feel as you do - and becoming very well informed.

Please don’t get me wrong, there can be value in doing this – for a while. But ultimately there comes a point when we want to move beyond all the information about why we think and feel as we do and we just want a practical solution - we want to change.

Practical solutions to change the way you think


There are so many articles on this site about different aspects of managing personal change I want to make this accessible to you in one article that I wrote recently which covers the key points.

This article is called "Drop The Story" and I have included a lot of resources with links to other useful material on this site and third party resources.

I have also given a number of real-life and personal examples of how to put this material into practice. If you have any questions or want to discuss this personally with me I have provided my contact details as well.


Most of the stuff we tell ourselves is, at best, a guess at the truth, and at worst, complete rubbish.

Learning how to drop the story and deal with that voice in your head can be a game changer.

When you can do this you will have a powerful tool for breaking free from your self-imposed limitations, improving performance in all areas of your life, and increasing your overall well-being.

Drop The Story - How To Deal With Your Demons and Transform Your Life

      Please remember that nothing has any intrinsic meaning of itself other than that which you choose to give it.

      It is always your choice.

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