A Portrait Of A Person Connected To The Field Of Intention


The Field Of Intention

The field of intention is a subject about which the late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer spoke and published extensively. In his book "The Power Of Intention" he devotes a whole chapter to "A Portrait Of A Person Connected To The Field Of Intention".

Based on his researches Dyer positioned intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place.

Critically, in my view, Dyer defined and explored intention — not as something we do — but as an energy we’re a part of.

The Field Of Intention

In a recent article The Energy Of Life we looked at:

  • Being aware of, and managing, your dominant energy state.
  • Aligning with a higher power by shifting your focus away from yourself and present circumstances onto something bigger than yourself.
  • Imagining life as a river of energy flowing through you that is going to flow wherever it wants and that you can fight or let it take its course and surrender to it.
  • Seeing the nature of your higher power as energy - the Energy of Life.
  • Realising that the Energy of Life responds to your energetic state.
  • Practising gratitude as a powerful way of aligning your dominant energy state.
  • Experiencing the biggest, deepest and most amazing shifts in your life as you continually align your energetic state with the Energy of Life.

A Portrait Of A Person Connected To The Field Of Intention

Dr Dyer described a person connected to what he refers to as "the Field Of Intention" and what I describe as "The Energy Of Life" in the following terms:

"A person who lives in a state of unity with the Source of all life doesn't look any different from ordinary folks. These people don't wear a halo or dress in special garments that announce their godlike qualities.

But when you notice that they go through life as the lucky ones who seem to get all the breaks, and when you begin to talk to them, you realize how distinctive they are compared to people living at ordinary levels of awareness.

Spend a few moments in conversation with these people who are connected to the power of intention and you see how unique they are."

Dyer continues:

"These highly realized people think from the end, experiencing what they wish to intend before it shows up in material form.

- They use their feelings as a gauge to determine if they're synchronized with the power of intention.

- If they feel good, they know that they're in vibrational harmony with Source.

- If they feel bad, they use this indicator to adjust to higher energy levels. And finally, they act on these thoughts of intention and good feelings as if all that they desired were already here.

- If you ask them what you can do to make your desires come true, they'll unhesitatingly advise you to change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change."


I have prepared an easy to read 7 page download PDF summary:
A Portrait Of A Person Connected To The Field Of Intention

You can download the full ebook text of Dyer's book:
The Power Of Intention

Living In A Participatory Universe

    Change The Way You Look At Things, And The Things You Look At Change"

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