Myers Briggs ENTP

The Rationalist

Myers Briggs ENTP

Myers Briggs ENTP - Summary

  • Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert and outspoken.
  • Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems.
  • Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analysing them strategically.
  • Good at reading other people.
  • Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to run to one new interest after another.

Myers Briggs ENTP - Characteristics

  • Myers Briggs ENTP  has been described variously as the innovator, the originator, the lawyer, the inventor, the explorer, and the visionary. They also fall into the general categories of thinkers, rationals, and engineers.
  • Using their primary function-attitude of extraverted intuition they are quick to see complex interrelationships between people, things, and ideas. These interrelationships are analysed in profound detail through their auxiliary function, introverted thinking.
  • The result is an in-depth understanding of the way things and relationships work, and how they can be improved. To this type, competence and intelligence are particularly prized, both in themselves and in other people.
  • They are frequently described as clever, cerebrally and verbally quick, enthusiastic, outgoing, innovative, flexible, loyal and resourceful.
  • They are motivated by a desire to understand and improve the world they live in. They are usually accurate in sizing up a situation. They may have a perverse sense of humour and sometimes play devil's advocate, which can create misunderstandings with friends, co-workers, and family.
  • They are ingenious and adept at directing relationships between means and ends. They "think outside the box," devising fresh, unexpected solutions to difficult problems.
  • However, they are less interested in generating and following through with detailed plans than in generating ideas and possibilities. When they are used correctly on a team, they offer deep understanding and a high degree of flexibility and problem solving ability.
  • The ENTP regards a comment like "it can't be done" as a personal challenge, and, if properly motivated, will spare no expense to discover a solution.

Take the Myers Briggs Test  [Note: This currently costs $49.99]

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