Myers Briggs ESTP

The Performer

Myers Briggs ESTP

Myers Briggs ESTP - Summary

  • Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results.
  • Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem.
  • Focus on the here and now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can active with others.
  • Enjoy material comforts and style.
  • Learn best through doing.

Myers Briggs ESTP - Characteristics

  • Myers Briggs ESTPs are hands-on learners who live in the moment, seeking the best in life, wanting to share it with their friends. This type is open to situations, able to improvise to bring about desired results. They are active people who want to solve their problems rather than simply discuss them.
  • They are the most adept among the types at manipulating other people. They exercise the art of manoeuvring others around to their position.
  • Concrete in speech and utilitarian in action, they are smooth operators. This type knows everyone who matters and everything there is to do because they are very resourceful, always knowing where the fun and action is.
  • They like to indulge themselves in the finer things in life and to bring other people with them. Their goal in life is to sell themselves and their ideas to others. Dramatic and debonair, they are gifted at earning others' confidence.
  • They focus on the experiences and sensations of the immediate, physical world. With an acute awareness of the present surroundings, it brings relevant facts and details to the forefront and may lead to spontaneous action.
  • ESTP seeks precision, such as the exact word to express an idea. It notices the minute distinctions that define the essence of things, then analyzes and classifies them; examines all sides of an issue, looking to solve problems while minimizing effort and risk. It uses models to root out logical inconsistency.
  • They seek social connections and create harmonious interactions through polite, considerate, and appropriate behaviour. They respond to the explicit (and implicit) wants of others, and this may create an internal conflict between their own needs and the desire to meet the needs of others.

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