Myers Briggs ISTP

The Artisan

Myers Briggs ISTP

Myers Briggs ISTP - Summary

  • Tolerant and flexible quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions.
  • Analyses what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical problems.
  • Interested in cause and effect, organise facts using logical principles, value efficiency.

Myers Briggs ISTP - Characteristics

  • Myers Briggs ISTP excel at analysing situations to reach the heart of a problem so that they can swiftly implement a functional repair, making them ideally suited to the field of engineering.
  • Naturally quiet people, they are interested in understanding how systems operate, focusing on efficient operation and structure. They are open to new information and approaches.
  • But contrary to their seemingly detached natures, ISTPs are often capable of humorously insightful observations about the world around them, and can be closet daredevils who gravitate toward fast-moving or risky hobbies (such as bungee jumping, hang gliding, racing, motorcycling, and parachuting), recreational sports (such as downhill skiing, paintball, ice hockey, and scuba diving), and careers (such as aviation and firefighting).
  • They seeks precision, such as the exact word to express an idea - noticing the minute distinctions that define the essence of things, then analyses and classifies them. They examine all sides of an issue, looking to solve problems while minimising effort and risk and use models to root out logical inconsistency.
  • They live in a world of logic, on which they base their decisions. They process information from their auxiliary function to create strategies for action at a moment's notice. They love to examine complicated systems.
  • They focus on the experiences and sensations of the immediate, physical world. With an acute awareness of the present surroundings, it brings relevant facts and details to the forefront and may lead to spontaneous action.
  • This function drives ISTPs to embrace opportunities to plunge headfirst into experiences. It also gives them a keen insight into situations similar to that of the ISTJ.
  • Their occasionally tunnel-visioned curiosity for the world around them gives them a "leap before you look" tendency. They are notorious for taking apart a device to see how it works before considering whether they can put it back together.
  • Attracted to symbolic actions or devices they synthesise seeming paradoxes to create the previously unimagined. These realisations come with a certainty that demands action to fulfil a new vision of the future, solutions that may include complex systems or universal truths.
  • Never as open in their theorising as INTPs, they prefer to keep themselves grounded in the physical situation, visualising components and concepts that they cannot see and touch firsthand, such as the wiring in a circuit board.
  • ISTPs seek social connections and creates harmonious interactions through polite, considerate, and appropriate behaviour.
  • They respond to the explicit (and implicit) wants of others, and may even create an internal conflict between the subject’s own needs and the desire to meet the needs of others.
  • A weak point is that they can tend to interpret criticisms of their ideas as criticisms of their competence.
  • Although ISTPs strive to follow the edicts of logic, when they are under stress, their inferior function can lead them to illogically and stubbornly cling to their own ideas even when proven wrong.

Take the Myers Briggs Test  [Note: This currently costs $49.99]

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