Intuitive Decision Making

It's Hard When You're Having A Tough Time

Intuitive Decision Making. Graphic

Intuitive decision making can be difficult when you are experiencing testing times, when there is a conflict between your intuition and your conscious mind, and especially when this is because of adverse external circumstances?

This is rather like making decisions using "night vision".

In the depths of personal adverse external circumstances, and after 6 months of deepening anxiety over an issue, I eventually experienced a moment of blinding clarity, the essence of which is as follows:

[1] Keep Intuitive Decision Making Simple

The ego-mind loves complexity and confusion, whereas our higher self only knows simplicity and clarity.

[2] Review Your Checklist Before Exercising Intuitive Decision Making

Check that you have been doing all the "right" things, and are not experiencing any blockages because of any omissions, for example:

(a) Check your beliefs and values – are these positive and supportive, have you brought to consciousness and replaced your negative and limiting beliefs?

(b) Are you focused on the manifestation of a clearly defined and visualised outcome?

(3) Are you practising spiritual disciplines such as meditation, gratitude and thankfulness, giving of your time, money and knowledge?

  • Are you listening to your intuition daily?
  • Do you have a clear sense of your purpose in life?
  • Has your intuition guided you in your present circumstances up to this moment?

How To Undertake Intuitive Decision Making?

If you can honestly say yes to these questions and feel that you have "ticks in all the right boxes" then here are my suggestions:

    (1) Apply clarity.

    (2) Totally ignore outward appearances and what appears to be logic and common sense.

    (3) Define your decision points (for example: buying or selling a house, a business decision or a relationship decision).

    (4) Reduce each decision point to 2 simple choices. Break it down to simple yes/no, this/that, go/stay, in/out choices, for example do we sell our house or stay put – so this becomes sell/stay?

    (5) Maintain detachment from the outcome. By all means express a preference for an outcome – if you have one, but be detached from the outcome. Be equally happy with either outcome – safe in the knowledge that it will be the right outcome.

    (6) Ask your intuition for the right choice at each decision point.

    (7) Switch your brain off and stop conscious thought, logic, debate and rationalisation. Meditate and do breathing exercises to still your mind.

    (8) Then present your 2 simple choices at each decision point and ask your higher self a very simple question: "Is it this or is it that?"

    (9) Follow your heart: ask yourself: "Would I put serious money on this feeling?" Or: "Would I put my life on this?" Do you have a deep peace about the answer? Does it "feel" right?

    (10) Stick with the answer!

Intuitive decision making - what to do now?

Ask your higher self on a daily basis: "What should I be doing now?"

The answer is most likely to be either something that is right in front of your nose and fairly mundane such as mow the lawn or helping somebody by giving them your time and attention.

Often the supplementary question is: "Who can I help today?"

Why the drama with intuitive decision making?

The simple answer is this:

There is always a spiritual lesson to learn in testing situations.

If you are not clear what your lesson is then ask your higher self to reveal it to you.

In my own personal case the answer was: "To develop night vision".

For anyone choosing to tackle life from a spiritual perspective, and who is serious about it, then sooner or later your higher self will create a set of circumstances which will cause your normal "daylight vision" to cease to be effective.

In other words, your circumstances seen with the conscious mind through the lens of rationality, logic and commonsense will cease to make sense. You run into the inbuilt design flaw.

The purpose of these circumstances is to cause and enable you to learn to see and ultimately to live and make decisions by the "night vision" of your intuition.

Further Reading:

How do you know whether the voice of your intuition is real or just the product of your inner anxiety?

Learn how to apply the "Angels or Devils" tests and if in doubt, how to use your "lifeline" and ask for help.

Intuition Or Anxiety - Are There Angels Or Devils Crawling Here?

Return from "Intuitive Decision Making" to: What Is Spirituality?

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