8 Principles For Success

A Timeless Foundation On Which To Build Your Success.

8 Principles For Success. A Timeless Foundation On Which To Build Your Success. Picture of a Dream Catcher.

Introducing 8 Principles For Success

This is how I came to compile and apply these 8 principles for success.

Approximately 25 years ago I found myself caught up in a set of circumstances over which I had no control, an economic recession which cost me my business, took all my money and plunged me deeply into debt.

These experiences caused me to question many of my beliefs and to seek deeper meaning from them or at least some clues and pointers that could help me to disentangle myself from my predicament.

I was particularly focused on the causal chain of events and the links between what happened and what had to happen to get me back on track.

I also had been involved in personal development for many years and had benefited from many of the insights and practices that I had learned. From all of this material I created a template on 1 sheet of A4 that captured all of the key practices based on 8 principles for success. 

I put all of the key principles into effect and over the following years enjoyed considerable success.

My focus was on business success, but I believe these principles apply to any definition of success.

In these recent tough times in the aftermath of covid and all the economic fall-out from the Russia-Ukraine war, I have been reviewing my archives and I found this document.

I have reproduced the document below and also as a PDF attachment. Please note a lot of this was cut and paste from multiple sources and I have often used the language and terminology of the original authors. I have used online plagiarism checking tools to ensure that I haven’t breached copyright but if I accidentally have, please let me know?

The 8 Principles For Success


Form a clear mental picture of the thing(s) you want to have, to do, or to become; and hold this mental image in your thoughts.

Your Point Of Focus

First have a day dream – then ask yourself:

"What would it be like if it were true?"

Then catch the feeling and believe that it is true – every day - until it is!

The Three Minute Power Pause


Really want it!

Maintain a persistent focus on your vision:

“Hold this picture in your mind with the certain belief that you do get what you want. Close your mind to all negative thoughts and people. You must completely trust the process.”

Identify Your Core Desire - The Source of All Success


Positively expect to achieve your goal and maintain a total belief – knowing that you’re going to get there.

“Desire without expectation is nothing more than wishful thinking”.

“The mind is a powerful magnet and as such attracts whatever is its ruling state – and this is dictated by expectation.

Expectation (i.e. what we really believe as opposed to what we say we believe) can be either a blessing or a curse – either way it is one of the most powerful unseen forces in your life”.

The best way of maintaining a positive expectation is to regularly give thanks and be grateful for all the many good things you have now, and then give thanks that all the good things that you have expressed in your vision are coming towards you!

“Lucky” People Have Higher Expectations


Trust the process and that the process will support you (financially, emotionally, psychologically etc) till your goal manifests:

“Nature knows no such thing as a failure – there never has been, and never will be, a lack of anything – there is no limit to the supply...”

“The hardest part to creating your life the way you want it is to stop figuring how you will get what you want.”

This is because you will limit yourself to what your ego can see and do, and this will limit your belief and damage your expectations.

Dropping The “How?”


Acting on impulses and intuitions as they arise - then allow the results to manifest at the right time.

Do every day all that can be done that day. Don’t wait or hesitate in the mistaken belief that there will be a better time.

Act now, where you are now, whoever you’re with now, and do it to the best of your ability.

6. ADD VALUE Give more than you get. i.e. give “value-plus” for money.

In all your contact with other people always seek to “add value” in your interactions with them, and especially in money transactions where you aim to give a “use value” in excess of the “cash value” you receive.


There is always a gestation period and no one knows what period of time must elapse before results manifest – but keep going because they will come – and at the right time!

The GESTATION PERIOD - understanding it, having faith in it, accepting it and persisting through it.


Hang in there!

“You will very likely run up against a series of circumstances that will for a time have you convinced that you are actually going backwards; but, persistence is the key - continue to hold the picture (of your goal) and understand that what is happening to you, is what must happen to prepare you to receive the good things you desire”.

“Persistence always pays.”

    You will certainly achieve your success and it will be in exact proportion to the clarity and depth of definition of your vision, the persistence of your focus on that vision,  the level of your trust and the depth of your gratitude to the process that will deliver your vision.

Download: 8 Principles For Success

Next Article: The Loving Father - A Love That Will Not Let You Go

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